๐Ÿ˜ฑ November 10, 2022: Red Right Daily > AOC Taking Prisoners In NY Democratic Party and Demands Resignations.

Written by Mark Stevens
November 10, 2022
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Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) (D-N.Y.) is not happy with the results of the election in her home state of New York. She is demanding accountability from her own party after the GOP made significant gains across the Empire States.

Here is what she had to say:

โ€œNYS Dem party leadership, which was gutted under [former Gov. Andrew] Cuomo, stuffed with lobbyists, works to boost GOP, and failed to pass a basic state ballot measure to protect NY redistricting, must be accountable,โ€ Ocasio-Cortez said.

โ€œI called for Jay Jacobโ€™s resignation a year ago and I still hold that position,โ€ she added.

Sheโ€™s right about how badly the Democrats performed in New York. Election data shows that Republicans performed better in every single county in New York compared to their 2020 results.

Republican Lee Zeldin, who challenged Gov. Kathy Hochul (D), completely flipped eight New York counties from blue to red.

Ocasio-Cortez believes her partyโ€™s leaders must be held accountable.

โ€œLast nightโ€™s NY underperformance is a testament to years of prioritizing calcified machine politics and favoring over performance, strategy, & organizing,โ€ she said. โ€œTo win from here, Jacobs must go and we must recenter the party to better value community leadership and small-d democracy.โ€

This is not the first time that AOC has made some demands on her party and asked Jacobs to step down.

Last year, Jacobs was accused of comparing India Walton โ€” a black woman who ran for mayor of Buffalo โ€” to former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke. That didnโ€™t sit well with AOC.

โ€œJay Jacobs absolutely should resign over his disgusting comments comparing a Black single mother who won a historic election to David Duke,โ€ Ocasio-Cortez said at the time.

โ€œAs a federally elected official in the NY Dem party, I have 0 confidence in Jay Jacobsโ€™ ability to lead an NY Dem party that is inclusive & respectful of all,โ€ she added. โ€œThis is just his latest incident. Jacobs is a toxic presence in the party and his continued post as Chair is shameful.โ€

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