🌎 August 16, 2022: Gatestone Institute > O-Biden-anomics! The president also promised to “end fossil fuels” but if he does, how do we power non-electric cars, trucks and airplanes?

by Lawrence Kadish
August 16, 2022 at 3:30 pm

The US should instead be increasing our emergency reserves. They are intended for natural emergencies, not political ones.

In addition, Biden is – or was — apparently planning to sell one million barrels a day for six months “to help cut gas prices” from their roughly $5 a gallon high. So far, they have indeed cut gas prices — by 40 cents.

Biden, again in a seeming accommodation to China, has been saying that he is “not worried about Chinese aggression toward Taiwan” even though China has been conducting major military exercises near Taiwan that concern British Foreign Secretary Liz Truss and that some China experts have called “the real thing.” While China has been claiming that the international Taiwan Strait belongs to China, the Biden administration appears to be to be refusing to take China’s threats seriously. The administration has been “flip-flopping,” delivering confusing messaging , and especially failing to provide Taiwan with sufficient deterrence. This passivity feels as if it isa repeat of Biden’s refusal to take Putin’s threats seriously before he invaded Ukraine, and that this absence of deterrence will be seen by China the same way it was seen by Russia: as an invitation to attack.

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