👿 December 20, 2023: Gatestone Institute > Red Horse Of War! A darker side of these all-out intelligence-collection operations involves attempts to coerce Chinese-American professionals to cooperate with the CCP by pressuring them to return to China or threatening their family members who still reside in China.

by Lawrence A. Franklin
December 20, 2023 at 5:00 am

There are, of course, many documented cases of agents of the CCP offering Americans “financial incentives” in exchange for “access” to people, information or both, as Peter Schweizer details in his book, Red-Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win.

Theft of intellectual property also includes all companies in China being legally obligated to have Community Party officials embedded in their workforces, including in joint ventures of Chinese companies with Western companies. Such joint ventures are also required to transfer to the Chinese “partner” any privately produced advances in critical technologies.

China’s theft of US technologies and co-opting of US human resources are also being aided by a vast network of digital hackers, described by FBI Director Christopher Wray as “a cyberespionage program so vast that it is bigger than all of its major competitors combined.”

The diplomatic and economic dimension of China’s total war strategy against the US involves establishing rival political and economic blocs such as BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa). BRICS is designed to draw non-Western developing countries to align their economic futures with China’s politically authoritarian planned economy model as opposed to the West’s democratic free-market model. BRICS has recently expanded its membership, which now includes Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saydi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates. China, the dominant voice in BRICS, projects a disingenuous benevolent image to its members as well as to the so-called “Global South,” especially to impoverished countries in Africa. The ultimate objective of China’s “Global South” strategy is to supplant Western economic and diplomatic dominance, and China is facilitating this goal by challenging the US dollar as the world’s reserve currency.

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