🚽 August 20, 2023: Fox News > The Obama-anomics! It’s close to $20,000 to Barack Obama alone.

Tim Graham By Tim Graham Fox News
Published August 20, 2023 8:00am EDT
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They’ve also donated $3,300 for President Joe Biden’s 2020 campaign and $2,100 for Hillary Clinton’s 2016 run against Trump. Her mother unsuccessfully ran in the Democrat primary for Philadelphia City Council in 1999.

Current “Meet the Press” host Chuck Todd came to NBC through Tim Russert, who worked for New York Democrats Mario Cuomo and Daniel Moynihan before joining NBC. Todd worked for former Democrat Sen. Tom Harkin’s 1992 presidential campaign in his college years.

Todd’s wife, Kristian Denny Todd, is a direct-mail fundraiser and strategist for Democrat candidates. Her firm earned about $2 million from the Sen. Bernie Sanders presidential campaign in 2016, but Todd never mentions that when Bernie Sanders sits down with Todd on Sundays.

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