πŸ’£ February 02, 1962: Gateway Beast Notes > JOHN F. KENNEDY 35th President of the United States: 1961 ‐ 1963. Executive Order 10990 SECTION 1. Establishment of Council. There is hereby established in the Department of Labor the Federal Safety Council, hereinafter referred to as the Council.

February 02, 1962

The Council shall be composed of a Chairman, to be designated by the Secretary of Labor, and one qualified representative of each of the several executive departments and agencies and of the municipal government of the District of Columbia (hereinafter referred to as members). The heads of the departments and agencies and the Board of Commissioners of the District of Columbia shall designate the members representing them, respectively, and may also designate suitable alternate members. The Secretary of Labor may, as he deems appropriate, appoint representatives of national or international unions, having Federal employees as members, to serve as consultants to the various committees established by the Council. The Chairman, members, alternate members, and consultants shall serve, as such, without compensation from the United States.

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